As my lovely facebook ex-wife Missy reminded me, koalas are not bears, they are marsupials! Meaning they live here, in Australia. Which I drew myself. Apparently map-drawing is the useless talent that my classmates all know me for, so here is an example.
Raccoons. They aren't native here so people think they're adorable and special.
Tapirs. I still can't decide if they're cute or just weird-looking. It's the noses.
The tiger. While I wish I could have taken a picture without a child's reflection in it, the kid refused to move. After no less than three minutes of trying to get a kid-free photo, I decided that this would look really artistic, and took the picture anyway.
Plants and flowers designed (presumably) to look like how a child might draw a bunch of animals. But in real life, I'm sure the green koala would have attacked and killed all the others. Koalas are vicious animals!
A really cool flower. I'm not sure what it is, but I thought it looked really neat.
Camel. It was actually really close to the viewing area, it probably could have licked (or spit on) any of the visitors.
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